SailPoint AI Services: 7 Reasons You’ll Want to Get Smart from the Start


As you chart the course for your SailPoint deployment, there’s a laundry list of tasks to perform. From standing up the platform, integrating with core systems and loading in your users, to establishing policies, defining roles, automating processes and so much more. With all of that to tackle, it’s easy to miss deploying the intelligence component — SailPoint AI services. However, these are not to be delayed. 

SailPoint AI services are a key offering of the SailPoint Identity Platform and deliver essential value to your deployment. The sooner you implement the AI services, the sooner you can increase your security, decrease risk, increase productivity and accelerate your return on investment. 

At Regatta, we coach our clients that implementing SailPoint AI services in the first phase of your implementation is important. The earlier you allow machine learning to get going, the more history and data you have to “teach the AI.” If you’ve already deployed, it should be the NEXT project you take on. 

7 Reasons to Implement AI Services Now

Still not convinced? Here are 7 reasons why you should add SailPoint AI Services to your initiative now, rather than later: 

  1. Take the Risk Out of Easy: IAM vendors like SailPoint have made identity and access governance tasks even easier, though that ease can bring greater risk — as long as the last access checkpoint is a human, you will always have risk. Managers get certification fatigue and can start taking the easy route to access reviews — we all know that some level of rubber stamping happens! Further, you could end up with entitlement creep leading to greater insider threat risks. AI takes the risk out of easy by using the power of AI to focus managers on where the risk really is, and suggest default actions for mitigating that risk. 
  2. Spot Potential Threats Faster: AI services automate the discovery, management, and control of ALL user access. This allows you to not only control access ensuring users have the access they need when they need it, but also to spot potential threats. There’s no way your security team can scan every user and every access right that may be out of date or sync. Having AI do the work makes it easy to find your weakest links and adjust accordingly.  
  3. Gain Efficiencies: AI can identify common trends and areas to consolidate roles or automate tasks. With greater visibility and machine learning underway, you can see where the opportunities to consolidate, streamline and automate are for efficiency gains without adding risk. If you’re working on a role model, you can speed up that process with the AI Services for Access Modeling. 
  4. Get a Better Guide: AI can point you to your true north at all times. AI should not be considered a destination, but rather a guide on the identity security journey helping to run business more securely and with less risk. Once up and running, you have Access Insights that transform vast amounts of identity data – including user attributes, roles, access history, and entitlements – into actionable insights so you can spot potential risks faster and revise your course as needed based on what’s actually happening in your environment. 
  5. Make Better Decisions: AI services like the Recommendation Engine help you to speed up lengthy certification processes with automated recommendations based on peer group analysis, identity attributes and access activity, giving managers the ability to make smarter access decisions in less time. 
  6. Take Your Reporting to New Heights: AI services record ALL access activity which allows you to produce a report for your auditors or execs in minutes, rather than weeks. It helps you to see everything access related. Tracking the changing of access over time is a very useful metric. This is particularly true when dealing with auditors. Customers can just point the auditor to AI to get what they need. If your board or execs have questions, SailPoint AI delivers answers quickly with graphical views and reports on where your access risks lie — on the fly. 
  7. Free Your Team from the Tedious Tasks: SailPoint AI is delivered from the cloud, so it’s always on. It helps to ensure workers have the right access from the start and works with them as their roles and access needs evolve. With 24/7 self-service access available, it saves you time and costs associated with those IT help desk calls while keeping workers more efficient.  

Why Wait? Let AI Boost Your Identity Security Confidence Now

It’s time to embrace the digital transformation with confidence using AI services in your SailPoint deployment. Regatta is trained and certified to help you do this in a matter of weeks. AI doesn’t have to be a future goal, it can be up and running before you know it. It’s too much of a value accelerator to deny. 

If you are ready or want to learn more, reach out and request a consultation. We’ll be happy to help you get smarter with identity security right from the start. 

Navigate a Winning Identity Strategy

Securing the enterprise goes beyond selecting the software. Talk to the SailPoint experts at Regatta to discuss your personalized roadmap for a successful identity program.